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BREAKING: Johnson Barovbe, Urhobo foremost educationist is dead

BREAKING: Johnson Barovbe, Urhobo foremost educationist is dead

The Ahwotu of Urhoboland, Chief Johnson Barovbe, who was the proprietor of the prestigious Westminster College Lagos, is dead. (TNG) reports news of the demise of Chief Barovbe, a triple chief, emerged on Monday.


He owned the triple title of Tosogbe of Badagry, Okunna of Agbon Kingdom and Ahwotu (crowd puller) of Urhobo Kingdom.

Barovbe was an Urhobo leader, astute businessman, educationist and philanthropist.


He was the Chairman, Board of Trustees of Urhobo Social Club, a foremost Urhobo club, based in Lagos.

Barovbe, born January 16, 1940, attended Catholic Primary School, Ovu Inland, Ethiope Local Government Area (LGA) of Delta State, 1952-1957.


He attended Catholic Secondary Modern School, Okpara Inland between 1958 and 1960 for his primary and secondary school education.

He also went to the then Provincial Teachers Training College, Warri, now College of Education, Edjeba, Warri.


The deceased thereafter proceeded to Middlesex University, London and University of Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK, for his undergraduate.

He was awarded Federal Government of Nigeria Postgraduate Scholarship Award to study at University of Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK, for his postgraduate studies.


Chief Barovbe worked as Deputy General Manager, Transcap Ltd., 1980-89; General Manager, Dumex Industrial Nigeria Limited, 1989-95, CICA Nigeria Limited, 1996-98 and Managing Director Modika Property Development Company.

TNG reports Barovbe died at the age of 81. The cause of his death was yet to be ascertained at the time of filing this report.



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