BREAKING: Why Wayne Rooney was sacked at Birmingham City

What I've learned from past jobs - Rooney

Championship side, Birmingham City, has parted company with Manager, Wayne Rooney, and First Team Coach, Carl Robinson. (TNG) reports this is contained in a club statement published on Birmingham’s website on Tuesday.


Rooney was fired after barely 83 with the Championship club. He has only managed to win 10 points for the club after 15 games.

“Despite their best efforts, results have not met the expectations that were made clear at the outset. Therefore, the Board feels that a change in management is in the best interests of the Football Club.


“The Club’s Board and management are fully aligned and will continue to drive transformation and take bold steps to rebuild Birmingham City into the organisation its fans and community deserve.

“The Board would like to place on record their sincere thanks to Wayne and Carl for all of their efforts.


“Chief Executive Officer, Garry Cook, commented: “We are committed to doing what is necessary to bring success to St. Andrew’s.

“Unfortunately, Wayne’s time with us did not go as planned and we have decided to move in a different direction.


“The search for a successor begins with immediate effect and we will update supporters when we have further news.”

“Professional Development Coach, Steve Spooner, will assume responsibility for Men’s First Team matters on an interim basis. The remaining coaching staff will be required to continue with their duties to assist Spooner.


“No further comment will be made at this time,” the club statement reads.

Recall Birmingham appointed Rooney after sacking John Eustace in controversial circumstances. Blues were in 6th position in the Championship table.


Since then, they have dropped to 20th position, and on Monday lost 3-0 to Leeds.

TNG reports Rooney managed 2 wins, 4 draws and 9 losses with Birmingham City.

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