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Civil service commission disowns fake recruitment advert

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The Federal Civil Service Commission has disowned a fake  recruitment advert, currently trending on the social media, credited to it.


Dr Mary Ogbe, Permanent Secretary in the commission, made this known in a statement on Friday in Abuja.

Ogbe said that the fake recruitment advert  titled ‘’ FCSC recruitment 2023/2024’’ currently trending on the social media, did not emanate from the commission.


“The management of the commission wishes to inform the general public that the purported recruitment  exercise is falsehood entirety.

“The writer of this fake story, using his to peddle his antics of misinforming the general public, particularly desperate job seekers, listed several steps/requirements for recruitment into the civil service.”


Ogbe reaffirmed the commission’s earlier disclaimer statement that the suspension/embargo on recruitment into the Federal Civil Service was yet to be lifted by the Government.

“In addition, the Commission has an established tradition of using the Television/Radio stations and Newspapers to announce such an instance of national exercise and not the social media.


“For clarification and emphasis, the general public is hereby informed that the advertised recruitment on social media is untrue and should therefore be ignored and disregarded, ”  Ogbe said.

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