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Communal clash: Level of destruction we saw at Aladja was massive -Sen. Dafinone Delegation +Photos


The delegation led by Olorogun Adelabu Badjor on a fact finding mission over the recent clash between Aladja and Ogbe-Ijoh communities on behalf of Senator Ede Dafinone outcome was shocking.

Olorogun Barr Adelabu Bodjor who led a fact-finding delegation to the area has revealed declaring that the level of destruction at Aladja was massive.


Olorogun Bodjor decried the shocking scenes of devastation throughout the Aladja Community in Udu local government area of Delta State, with many homes and cars damaged or destroyed during the violence between the two sides.

Expressing his shock at the level of destruction, Bodjor stated, “So much damage had been done, so many lives upended. But amidst the ruins, he also saw resilience. Families helping each other, coming together in the face of adversity.


He noted that going forward, there would be hard times ahead, but if they could find the strength to rebuild, then, there is hope for Aladja after all,” adding that Senator Dafinone has admonished them to be calm and law-abiding and appealed to security agencies to carry out their duty without infringing on the people’s right.

Our correspondent who was on ground with the delegation learned that recent hostilities resulted in the death of a 40-year-old man named Efe America, with several others sustaining injuries.


The clashes between the warring Aladja Community of Udu Council and Ogbe-Ijoh Community of Warri South West Council Areas in Delta State were reportedly triggered by the state government’s failure to demarcate the disputed boundary.

Some victims, while recounting their ordeal, claimed that they were destroyed by men in military uniform, who were allegedly enforcing the curfew imposed by the state government.

Godwin Akporido, one of the victims, stated, “They destroyed our windows and some other things while the patients inside the clinic, including me, ran away.”

The brother of the late Efe America, who also spoke to Vanguard, revealed that his brother was killed while trying to defend the community. “My brother was shot by Ogbe-Ijor people while trying to defend the community out there. He is survived by two children,” he said.


Another resident of Aladja, Bright Soye, who was shot in the shoulder, explained that they were at home when they were suddenly attacked by armed men from the Ogbe-Ijoh community. He insisted that they were running when he was shot.

Addressing Aladja community leaders, Olorogun Bodjor has stated that Senator Ede Dafinone had sent the team to assess the extent of the damage caused by the recent clashes, with the hope of reaching back.


He, therefore, tasked them to continue to be law-abiding, adding that Senator Dafinone will work with other relevant government agencies to see how a lasting solution to this recurring crisis between the two communities.


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