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Coup: Burkina Faso, Mali sign two decrees to render assistance to Niger Republic

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The Military governments of Burkina Faso and Mali on Friday signed two decrees with the Junta in Niger Republic.


The decrees is an agreement to allow them to intervene militarily on Nigeriene territory should the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) make good its threat to move in troops to restore democracy.

Moreso, the Junta also expelled the ambassadors of Nigeria, Germany and France and told them to leave Niamey within 48 hours.


ECOWAS warned the junta yesterday that it was not too late for the putschists to reconsider their action.

It declared that contrary to insinuations in some quarters, its own planned restoration of democracy in Niamey is not  at the prompting of foreign powers.

However, the US yesterday began the evacuation of its citizens from Niger ahead of a visit by the US Deputy Secretary of State, Molly Phee, to  Nigeria, Chad and Ghana  over the impasse.

The foreign ministers of Niger,,Burkina Faso and Mali announced their military alliance through a joint communiqué.


The accord allows Mali and Burkina Faso to provide military assistance to Niger in the event of military intervention against the putschists there.

It also called  for the three countries to take joint action against terrorist groups active in their countries and secure their borders.


Oaugadougou and Bamako sent Super Tucano jets to Niamey last week in a show of solidarity.

Recall that the Niger Junta in a meeting with representatives of ECOWAS asked for three years to return democratic government to the country.

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