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Cross River NSDC seizes 16,000 liters of stolen fuel

Mr Samuel Fadeyi with his men in an operation

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The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) in Cross River State has impounded 16,000 litres of stolen petroleum products in the state.


The state NSCDC Commandant, Mr Samuel Fadeyi stated this on Monday in Calabar while addressing journalists.

He said the stolen products which are mainly Automotive Gas Oil also known as diesel, were stored in drums and gallons and hidden at trailer parks across the state.


The Commandant noted that the search became necessary following an instruction from the Commandant General of NSCDC that some illegal activities were going on in parks within the state.

“My men went to trailer parks in Cross River and discovered that hawkers had stored a lot of petroleum products in drums and hidden them.


“Within the last two weeks, we have impounded about 16,000 litres of AGO from different spots in the state.

“Some of the places we went to, we met a lot of hostilities, so we make sure that we destroy the capacity of the perpetrators from continuing in the business and quickly exit the area to avoid human casualties.

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“Some of these hawkers work like cartels, once they see security officials they attack and escape but we make sure we impound the products,” he said.

“I contacted the leadership of the parks and their unions for a meeting because of the negative impact the activities of the hawkers have on their integrity.


“This operation wasn’t a witch-hunt, it is to send a strong message because of the negative impact of the activities of the hawkers on the nation’s economy and the environment through smuggling and adulteration.”

Fadeyi commended the Nigerian Navy Ship Victory and Sector 4, Operation Delta Safe, for joining the corps during the operation to impound and arrest smugglers of petroleum products from Nigeria to Cameroon.


He noted that such synergy was needed to rid the state and the nation of all forms of crime, irrespective of where they are being committed.

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