Didon Ndonya’s Book Highlights Rich Cultural Heritage of Adamawa’s Kilba (Huba) People

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The rich cultural heritage of the Kilba (Huba) ethnic group in Adamawa State comes alive in a newly released publication; even as stakeholders point out the role culture can play in uniting a diverse society.


The book, “Kilba (Huba): Cultural Ceremonies, Festivals, Dances, Games and Folktales”, written by seasoned educationist, community leader and administrator, Didon Nimrod Ndonya, delves deeply and exhaustively on the rich tapestry of cultural norms and traditional practices of the Kilba, one of Adamawa’s most prominent and successful ethnic groups.

The general public has been cordially invited to the official launching of the book on Saturday, December 21, 2019, inside the Universal Basic Education (UBE) Board Hall in Jimeta, Yola, at 10.00am.


The chairman of the book launch is Professor Johnson Pungri, Provost, College of Education, Hong, Adamawa state; while the chief launcher is Engr. Salihu Ahmed, chairman, Kilba Development Association, Abuja Branch.

“The Kilba (Huba) are a vibrant, hospitable, hardworking and richly endowed people whose tradition, ceremonies and cultural practices are an invaluable contribution the rich sociocultural heritage of Adamawa State and Nigeria. It is a lively and colourful culture which I have lived through and enjoyed and what we set out to achieve in this book is to share this experience with the younger generations and the rest of the world”, said the author Mr. Didon Ndonya, while explaining the motivation for writing the book.

The book portrays in readable, comprehensive details some Kilba traditional ceremonies like the Threshing of the Corn (Dig Uhi) and other agriculture-derived practices which gave the Kilba their reputation as successful farmers.

There are also vignettes on initiation into manhood (Mba); wedding ceremonies (Hudza); inheritances (Bwa Tsir); and burial rites.


The book also features traditional Kilba games such as Tullah Ngah Yaronduwa, Tullah Kakkale Kale, Tullah Inya Inyajo, Tullah Idu Leu, Tullah Simusu, among others.

Chairman of the Main Organizing Committee for the book launch, Mr. Nachandiya Nathan, said the importance of the book goes beyond portraying the rich cultural practices and values of the Kilba.


“We are very proud of our Kilba culture and this book documents various aspects of our expressive and normative culture. It is an important contribution to national dialogue because culture can be used to promote national unity in a multicultural society such as Nigeria”.

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