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Finally, Peak Milk bows to pressure, apologises to CAN over ‘offensive’ Good Friday advert

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Aftermath of its controversial Good Friday advert, the management of FrieslandCampina WAMCO Nigeria Plc, manufacturers of Peak Milk has apologised to the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN).

Advertisement, (TNG) recalls that the dairy company in its bid to commemorate Good Friday last week used the crucifixion of Jesus Christ as a metaphor to promote its Peak milk brand in an advert.

The advert displays a crushed and pierced tin of milk with its content spilt on its body and a nail placed beside it.


However, CAN in its reaction condemned the advert and also demanded an apology from the company, saying the advert was offensive and unacceptable.

The Christian body also threatened to boycott the company’s products if it fails to take down the advert from its social media pages and apologise to Nigerian Christians.


Reacting, the Executive Director of FrieslandCampina WAMCO Nigeria Plc (Corporate Affairs), Ore Famurewa, has apologised to Christians in a letter to the President of CAN, Archbishop Daniel Okoh.

In the letter dated Monday, April 10, 2023, and titled, “Apology for the Good Friday social media post by the Peak Brand”, the company said it did not intend “to make light of the significance of the season nor to inordinately exploit the unmatched sacrifice of Jesus Christ.”


“We hereby restate our commitment to our unwavering mission of nurturing Nigeria while maintaining the respect of all religious laws, tenets and guidelines.

“Once again, please accept our deepest apology and pledge to prevent a reoccurrence of such in the future. Do accept the assurances of my esteemed regards”, Famurewa said in the letter.

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