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FRSC reacts to video of its officer wrestling control of moving car with driver


The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) has reacted to the video of its female officer wrestling control of moving car with driver in Abuja.

The Corps Marshal, Dr. Boboye Oyeyemi on Tuesday said the recent video showing its officials assaulting the driver of a moving vehicle in the FCT was manipulated.


In a statement signed by the Public Education Officer of the FRSC, Mr Bisi Kazeem, Oyeyemi said investigation revealed that the video released by the driver of the vehicle only told one side of the story, adding that the driver would be prosecuted to deter others.

“An investigation panel revealed that a patrol team flagged down a driver for routine checks.


“When his car was to be impounded for running afoul of traffic laws, a female staff was attached to the offender’s vehicle.

“She was to accompany the vehicle to a nearby FRSC office for other necessary processes as contained in the operational procedure to be effected, but the driver sped away with the female staff.


“A patrol team, obviously concerned about the motive of the fleeing driver, had to apply force to rescue the female operative.

“The manipulated video which the suspect released afterward only told one side of the story. The Corps is determined to follow through with the suspect’s prosecution as a deterrent,’’ the corps marshal said.


TheNewsGuru reports that the video (attached after the cut), which surfaced on Facebook on Wednesday, shows a female FRSC officer wrestling for the control of the moving with the driver.

The video also caught an FRSC patrol van apparently in pursuit of the vehicle.


Toward the end of the video, a male officer jumped out of the FRSC van and smashed the front window on the passenger side of the car.


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