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Gov. Wike issues quit notice to Creek Road market women


Rivers state governor, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike has issued a quitting notice to market women trading on the middle of Creek Road in Port Harcourt.

In a statement signed by the Governor’s Special Assistant on Electronic Media, Simeon Nwakaudu, the Wike said this is to ensure construction work starts on the road.


Speaking on Monday during his inspection of Projects, the Governor assured the market women that his administration will construct a befitting market for them.

He explained that he had to personally interface with the market women because the contractor handling the road complained that the traders were obstructing ongoing construction work.


According to the governor, there is no need to apply force because the construction of the road will be beneficial to the market women.

He said: “I am here to personally appeal to you to stop trading on the middle of the road. This will allow the contractors to continue with their job.


“The contractors must have to finish this job. It will not be wise that the state’s money is lost because you are distracting the contractors. Please assist me by leaving the middle of the road, so that they can work”.

In a related development, in line with the directive of Governor Wike, engineers from Julius Berger and the State Ministry of Works started preliminary work at different flood impacted locations in the state.


TheNewsGuru recalls the Rivers State Governor inspected flood impacted locations in the state on Sunday where he directed immediate remedial measures.




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