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How President Buhari moved to secure smooth passage for Nigerian evacuees from Sudan

Nigerian students evacuated from Sudan


The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM), Abike Dabiri-Erewa, has confirmed the commencement of processing of Nigerian evacuees from Sudan stranded in Egypt after they were denied passage by the authorities.

Dabiri-Erewa said that the Egyptian border had been opened, albeit with stringent conditions, after President Buhari’s intervention with the Egyptian President.


“Nigeria Embassy in Egypt has moved all evacuees from the Sudan side to the Egypt side of the Arqeel border, with priority given to the females. They are now being prepared for their departure to Abuja through Aswan Airport,” the NIDCOM boss said in an update on Tuesday night.⁦

A source familiar with the evacuation efforts who prefers to remain anonymous told our correspondent that President Buhari had directed the National Security Adviser (NSA), Major General Babagana Monguno, to liaise with his Egyptian counterpart, Faiza Abou el-Naga, to ensure smooth passage for the stranded students after other efforts were met with obstacles.

The sources said it was this arrangement that received the gracious approval of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt, and paved the way for the deployment of a support team from the Nigerian Air Force to complement Air Peace.

Part of the conditions given by Egypt for passage include details and schedules of the aircraft, capacity of the aircraft, and a strong pledge that once Nigerians depart the border, they would be conveyed to the designated airport.


Other conditions include a comprehensive list of the evacuees with passport numbers, valid travel documents, and the presence of Nigerian government officials at the point of embarkation.

The first batch of returning Nigerian students is expected to arrive Abuja today Wednesday.

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