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Insecurity: Now there is evidence our security operatives cannot protect us – Gen Danjuma

General Theophilus Danjuma. rtd


Former Minister of Defence, General Theophilus Danjuma (rtd), has said there’s abundant evidence on what he said that our security operatives cannot protect Nigerians., (TNG) recalls that few years back Gen Danjuma had call on Nigerians to arm themselves against insurgents.


Danjuma spoke on Saturday in Wukari during the installation of a new monarch.

According to him, Our country is under siege by armed bandits.

“When some few years ago I warned that the armed forces are either not capable or unwilling to protect us and that we must defend ourselves, the first denial about what I said came from the ministry of defence.

“They said I was lying and they set up a kangaroo board of inquiry to investigate the truth or otherwise of what I said.“


They invited me to come and testify but I did not go. They wrote their report which state that I was only speculating and that there was no evidence. But now there is evidence.

“The whole country now is being overrun and one very clear thing that is happening now is that these foreign invaders are destroying everything and our government allowed them to come into the country.

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