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Judgement Day is near – Abuja Pastor

Judgement Day is near - Abuja Pastor

A cleric, Rev. Joshua Talena, says that the current global unrest is a sign that the world is approaching its last days.

Telena, the Senior Pastor of Shepherd House Assembly International, stated this during the church service on Sunday in Abuja.


Talena said that scriptures revealed that global unrest, wickedness, hunger, and other evil situations would occur in the last days.

He said that insecurity in some parts of the country was an indication of the last days and urged the congregants not to despair.


He decried that human lives were no longer respected and cases of kidnapping had been on the increase in the country in the quest for material wealth.

“Human lives are no longer respected. Strange hunger in Nigeria, people are killed everyday.


“Peoples lives are no longer precious, no human compassion in the land, iniquity and lawlessness are on the increase.

“People are powerless and helpless and we are in the time of peril,” he said.


According to the cleric, the congregants are living in perilous times where evil such as homosexuality, lesbianism and transgenderism are being accepted in the world.

He admonished congregants to live like they were in extra time as seen in football matches and should be more committed to serving God.


He urged Christians to live a life that pleases God as they live in the last days, and be his ambassadors.

“Live a life by conviction, what are you known for? Live for impact.


“Make sure your life is an example to all that are around you.

“Ensure you represent Christ in your businesses, workplaces and communities; people should not stop serving God because of you,” he said.


He urged the congregants to be ready as death is the destiny of all, adding that they should also be eternity conscious.

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