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Labour demands N56,000, rejects N30,000 minimum wage offered by lawmakers

Why we can't pay labour's N30,000 new minimum wage demand – FG

The Organised labour has rejected a plan by the House of Representatives, seeking the upward review of the minimum wage for Nigerian workers to N30,000.

President of the Trade Union Congress (TUC), Bobboi Kaigama, on Saturday said the organised labour is demanding N56,000.

“The procedure is for the tripartite body to sit down and agree on a figure, present it to the National Executive Council, National Council of State and to the National Assembly,” he said.

On its part, the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) commended the recommendation of the House of Representatives, but said that the process to determine an approved minimum wage has started with a tripartite engagement involving the labour, the private sector and the government.

The General Secretary of the NLC, Peter Ezon, said the tripartite arrangement would recommend the minimum wage to the government and in turns take it to the National Assembly for legislation.


“We welcome the concerns of the House of Representatives members and we also beg them to put more pressure on government to institute the process of the tripartite committee so that it can be concluded and returned to the National Assembly,” Ezon said.

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