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Lagos lawmaker loses wife

Lagos lawmaker loses wife

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Mrs Adenike David, wife of Mr Setonji David, the lawmaker representing Badagry Constituency 2 at the  Lagos State House of Assembly, is dead.


Mr Posu Davies, media aide to the lawmaker, announced her death in a statement  on Saturday.

Davies said that Mrs David died at 60  on Saturday ,after a brief illness.


According to him, the death of  Adenike has left  sores in  the hearts of the good people of  Badagry.

“As I write, the residence of the lawmaker is filled with hundreds of people mourning the deceased and signing the condolence register.


“Her death is saddening.

“The general public should note that obsequies plans would be released and made available to all soon.


“May God give him(the lawmaker) and his family the fortitude to bear the loss.

“And may the soul of the departed continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord,” he said.

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