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Let’s build a Nigeria where every citizen has a voice – Jonathan tells Tinubu


Ex-president, Goodluck Jonathan has advised President Bola Tinubu, to encourage a democracy where every has a voice.

He made the call on Tuesday at a one-day symposium to mark the Twenty-five years of unbroken democracy in Nigeria, held at the Banquet Hall of the State House Abuja.


“Together, let us build a Nigeria where every citizen has a voice, where opportunities abound, where the promise of a better tomorrow is not just a dream.

“We must not hand over to our children a democracy built on politics of region or religion.


“The National Assembly can also look at models that will suit us. We must address the factors that give rise to this Do or Die politics. It is inimical to consolidating democracy,” he said.

He further explained President Tinubu has the responsibility of ensuring that the next 25 years of democracy in Nigeria, starts on a good note.

“So, for the honourable Vice President, we are hoping that you build more infrastructure for us, improve the quality of education, facilities, etc.

“One key thing also is that, for the next twenty-five years, you will need to build a democracy that will reduce friction.


“The number of litigations that follow every round of election in Nigeria is very disruptive. If we must have a solid and enduring democracy, this practice needs to be diluted, and I know you and President Bola Tinubu who was a key actor in the June 12 crisis, will have the capacity to navigate through that process,” Dr. Jonathan added




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