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Meet man earlier mistaken for kidnap kingpin, Evans


A young man, Tochukwu Ambrose Onwuamadike, will today be rejoicing over the arrest of billionaire kidnapper, Chukwumeme Onwuamadike alias Evans.

The unfortunate ‘Tochuckwu’ apart from sharing the same surname also to a larger extension has the same facial frame with the arrested kidnap kingpin.


Tochukwu’s photos had earlier been released by Nigerian Police and was also published in some of Nigeria’s national dailies.

Tochukwu who has same surname as Evans is a Nigerian business man based in Angola. According to National Helm, Tochukwu is from Akaboukwu Uruagu Nnewi while Evans is from Akamili, Umudim Quarters in Nnewi, Anambra state.




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