Men should go for fertility test too – Expert

Shock, disbelief as fertility doctor fathers 19 children


A fertility expert, Dr Sharon Arigbe-Osula, has urged men to always go for fertility test instead of “putting all the blames on their spouses”.


Arigbe-Osula, a Volunteer Fertility Consultant with Rose of Sharon, an NGO, made tha call on Sunday in an interview with newsmen in Lagos.

She said in the clinics women were more visible than men in the treatment and diagnosis of infertility in couples.


In our clinics today, we see more of the male infertility, men never go to clinics; they just assume it is their wives that are infertile.

However, a lot of men have now become enlightened; they now come to the clinic with their wives,and later realise that the problem is from them (men),’’she said.


According to the expert, women above 42 find it difficult to conceive due to decline in quality and quantity of eggs.

She, however, urged couples to always go for fertility test so as to avoid such complications.


You will be surprised to see couples that have been married for seven years and never had one single semen fluid analysis done.

Couples need to be fully accessed, they need to be diagnosed, so that they can get treatment, it’s not one treatment that fits all, every couple has a treatment that would work for them,” Arigbe-Osula said.




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