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Ministerial list: Stop distracting Tinubu’s CoS, CSOs tell political detractors


…as coalition of 92 CSOs pass vote of confidence on Gbajabiamila

A coalition of 92 Civil Society Organisations under the aegis of Centre for Credible Leadership and Citizens Awareness has condemned moves made by some political elements in the country to steer clear of President Bola Tinubu’s Chief of Staff, Femi Gbajabiamila over political appointments.


Apparently disturbed by the plethora of attacks on the CoS, the coalition passed a vote of confidence on him giving vivid details as to why he deserves to remain the president’s man.

Convener of the coalition, Dr Gabriel Nwambu who read a press statement titled:’Orchestrated, Malicious And Unfounded Attacks on Rt Hon Femi Gbajabiamila’,on behalf of the group stated that:


“We have noted with dismay the last few weeks that the media space had been thrown agog with all manner of falsehood designed to mutilate the integrity of the Chief of Staff to the President, Rt. Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila, malign him and portray him in bad light before Nigerians and the President and Commander in Chief, President Ahmed Bola Tinubu.

“Gbajabiamila has come under acerbic attacks from certain political actors who are spreading falsehood against him just because they missed out on the ministerial and other lists.


“They are blaming him for their inability to occupy appointive office at the moment, even though it is the president acting in consultation with the leadership of the All Progressives Congress (APC), the governors, and other key stakeholders in the polity, that appointed ministers and board chairmen.

“These people do not care for the fact that positions come at the time destined, and that clearly, everybody cannot be a minister at same time.


“However, Nigerians are not buying the falsehood, and we have seen socio-cultural groups like the Arewa Youth Forum and Ohanaeze Youth Movement call on Nigerians to ignore the accusations thrown at Gbajabiamila over the constitution of boards of government agencies.

“They have appealed to Nigerians to ignore the detractors, saying that the Chief of Staff is well experienced and capable of carrying out his duties.


“Rt. Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila’s antecedents as a public servant with a sterling record and a stickler for truth, fairness, and due process would entertain the absurdities ascribed to him for a second.

“As a Surulere, Lagos-born politician cum technocrat, he comes to the present assignment fully qualified, having been in the House of Reps for two decades (2003-2023), boasting a record of unblemished service.


“As a lawmaker par excellence, he held many sensitive positions, including that of Leader of the Opposition, and he used the position of Speaker in the last dispensation to build unity and love across political tendencies, leaving imperishable legacies on the sands of time.

“Throughout his sojourn in public service, Gbajabiamila has been a very close and loyal disciple of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. Recall that while serving as speaker of the 9th House of Representatives, it took the intervention of Femi Gbajabiamila to end the protected and unending ASUU strike of University lecturers in Nigeria.


” As a chief of staff to Mr. President, he had participated actively on resolving the disagreement between Government and Labour just this year alone. As Speaker, he was a bridge builder par excellence, a force for competence, integrity, and people-centered lawmaking. Gbajabiamila commanded such a level of respect from his colleagues that he was often referred to as a Speaker of Speakers and a leader of leaders.

“He welded together new and old members of the Green Chamber, many of whom transited to the Senate while some emerged as ministers, placing Project Nigeria above partisan pursuits.

“In appointing Gbajabiamila as Chief of Staff, President Tinubu took his track records and the actualization of his Renewed Hope Agenda into consideration. The National Assembly is a strategic organ of the democratic state, and as such, it needs somebody who understands the dynamics and workings of that arm of government, which Gbajabiamila does as a former Speaker and lawmaker of two decades standing.

“Ladies and gentlemen, let us allow Gbajabiamila to do his job in peace. Casting needless aspersions on him won’t cut it, and it’s too early to seek to derail the Tinubu administration with blatant falsehood. The media should be wary of the desperadoes planting negative stories against an innocent, patriotic public officer. Fairness is more than a slogan.

“In all these, Rt. Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila has remained focused and undaunted. As Nigerian citizens, we must all work together to ensure that the Tinubu administration achieves its “Renewed Hope Agenda” for the betterment of all Nigerians.

“Consequently by this medium, as a Coalition of Civil Society Organizations, we hereby unequivocally pass a vote confidence on the Chief of Staff to Mr. President, Rt. Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila.

“As a man with the requisite character, capacity, competence and qualification for the office of the Chief of Staff to Mr. President, we hereby encourage you not to be distracted as you continue with your good works in serving the nation and humanity.
Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Thank you.

For the Coalition.

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