Murder on the Plateau: HoR minority caucus sends strong warning to FG, says it’s time to end the Killings


…says action appears to be Salafi-jihadist agenda

The House of Representatives Minority Caucus has sent a strong warning to the Federal Government to end the incessant killings on the Plateau as it’s almost becoming a daily occurrence in the North Central geo-political zone of Nigeria.


The minority caucus in a statement signed by its arrowhead, Rep Ogundu Kingsley Chinda, (PDP Rivers State) late Wednesday did not spare security agencies allegedly accused by Indigenes to be fueling unnecessary bloodlettings.

The caucus equally advised intelligence agencies to immediately activate a handle on national intelligence to checkmate the situation before it goes out of hands.


In the statement the caucus noted that:

“The invasion of five communities and the killings of over seventy persons by unknown gunmen in Gashish and Ropp Districts of Barkin Ladi and Bokkos local government areas of Plateau State on Christmas eve have raised national and global concerns about the security of persons in Nigeria, particularly the North Central region of Nigeria and murders that have gone for too long on the Plateau.


“These murders, which have become the cyclical outcomes of inter-communal violence in Plateau State, show how grievances between communities can be turned into organised violence by unidentified groups and persons who use violent methods to address perceived differences.

“When Jos was turned into an infernal theatre and a killing field* in which one thousand people lost their lives in 2001, many thought that the violent expressions of differences had reached the zenith; but, unfortunately, more attacks followed in Jos, Wase, Langtang North, Langtang South, Shendam, Mikang, Qua’an Pan, Barkin Ladi, and Riyom, resulting in many deaths and the destruction of properties.


The reasons adduced by observers for the sad state of affairs which ranged from internecine fights between indigenes and settlers for natural resources to inter-ethnic rivalry ensuing between ethnic groups *no longer appear plausible in view of the increasing rates of attacks, sophistication of invasions of communities, and the anonymity of the perpetrators of the attacks. There is something about this anonymity which makes the murders of the Plateau sinister.

” What is more sinister is that warning of impending attacks are unheeded by security agencies, coupled with the apparent unwillingness of the political leadership to arrest perpetrators and nip the violence in Plateau State in the bud. If the accounts of witnesses are to be believed, what stands clear is the act of collusion and conspiracy in the bloodletting.


“The murders on the Plateau have gone on for too long and must be stopped now!

“We extend our condolences to the Government and People of Plateau State over the murders.


“While we appreciate the efforts and sacrifices of our Military and other Security Agencies thus far, we call on and encourage them to commit more and be unrelenting in tackling the crisis until victory is assured for all.

“We also urge NASS Security Committees to draw strength from sections 4, 88 and 89 of the 1999 Nigerian Constitution, as amended, to commence a proper and detailed investigation into the persistent murders and proffer legislative solutions to end same.


Rep OK Chinda
Minority Leader

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