NCFront alleges ‘thickening plot’ in some quarters to rig 2023 elections, calls for amended Electoral Act


The National Consultative Front has alleged that there is an ongoing plot to scuttle the 2023 general elections while calling on stakeholders across party lines, civil society groups, labour unions, youths and women groups to unite against the “thickening plot.”



The NCF on Sunday stated that there is a conspiracy against the pending electoral act, 2021 by a few politicians in power, who are hell bent on suppressing the popular will of Nigerians for an improved electoral system in Nigeria.



In a release signed by its Head of Public Affairs Bureau, Dr Tanko Yunusa, the group said it advocates that Section 3 (3) of the proposed electoral act, which deals with the Independent National Electoral Commission’s finance, Section 50 (2), and others should be revisited so as to improve the integrity of the Nigerian electoral process.

He said, “The Front believes it is time for all concerned Nigerians and political stakeholders, irrespective of divide and affinity to come together to demand a formidable, inclusive, improved and sustainable electoral act that can build the trust and confidence of Nigerians in the electoral system as it pertains to future elections, beginning with the fast approaching 2023 elections so as to give Nigerians the opportunity and desired voting power to elect their leaders.


“However, in taking up this historical challenge of rallying all concerned forces to come together and salvage the situation, It is the considered view of our Front that Nigerians, especially the principal characters in this amendment process especially in the legislative and executive arms of government and the leadership of INEC need to understand that they should not be blinded by the immediate percuniary benefits they stand to make which at best may not be for more than eight years but to stand on the side of good conscience and give Nigerians the power to choose their leadership by themselves unhindered.



“The import of our clarion call and mobilisation for a common voice of Nigerian Stakeholders and Politicians of Conscience is to demand for credible elections in 2023 by putting in place a new inclusive and improved electoral frame work through the proposed electoral act that must be gotten right from its roots in terms of electronic and diaspora voting, among others



“Finally, based on the foregoing, NCFront Leaders of Conscience are convening an all inclusive stakeholders’ Consultative Parley in Abuja this week to rally against a situation, where opportunistic politicians, power mongers and mischief makers will continue to exploit our flawed and inadequate electoral laws as weapons of manipulation, exploitation and destruction of the Nigerian People. A major plan of action for this new engagement shall be announced at the end of this high powered convergence of political stakeholders in Nigeria.”

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