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Never again will our party be ‘political incubator ‘- APGA chairman vows


The All Progressives Grand Alliance(APGA)has frowned at what it described as arbitrary and unjustifiable jumping of political ship by politicians at all levels in the country.

Expressing his deep dissatisfaction over the conduct during an exclusive interview in Awka yesterday, the National Chairman of the party, Chief (Barr)Sly Ezeokenwa noted that the malaise has made his party, particularly look like a mere political breeding ground, an incubator for politicians in various parts of the country.


Ezeokenwa while fielding questions in an exclusive interview asserted that APGA has won elections in virtuallyall parts of the country.

But sadly, they end up jumping ship into another political party the moment they were sworn in.


He said, “APGA has won elections in Imo, Taraba, Nassarawa, Benue, Abia, etc but most of the quickly jumped into other parties barely a week or two after being sworn in.

The unwholesome conduct has made APGA look simply like a mere breeding ground and a political incubator.


Lamenting further, the national chairman said that the ignoble act has portrayed our political class to be dominated by people of no ideology, food -is -ready characters and persons without conscience.

” This, he insisted must stop!”


The party, he pointed out may be forced to sponsor a fresh bill to checkmate the act.

When reminded that the beneficiaries of the arbitrary carpet crossings have been found to be the big/major political parties that were often the ruling party or the main opposition party, the difficulty in its control despite an existing law on it, Ezeokenwa noted that his party may pursue the fight alongside other parties.


Consequently, he disclosed, APGA may insist that such office holders should step down from their positions or wait till the particular tenure elapses before going to another party.

APGA, he revealed has completed arrangement to begin digitalizing her membership registers across the country.


According to him, “APGA has taken the initiative as the first party in Nigeria to digitalize the register of her members across the country.

“We want to lead them way for others to copy. The idea has a lot of benefits and simplifies accreditation of members …”

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