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Nigeria will experience abundance under Buhari – Northern clerics


Nigerians have been asked to expect great abundance under the leadership of President Muhammadu Buhari.

Clerics from northern Nigeria under the auspices of the Northern Interfaith and Religious Organization for Peace, who made this call, urged Nigerians not to be deterred by the heath of the president, assuring he would soon bounce back and continue the good job he had started.


The group gave this charge at a special prayer session for the peace, unity and divine leadership of the country held in Abuja on Saturday.

The National Co-ordinator of the group, Bishop Musa Fomson said it was revealed to the anointed vessels during the meeting that Nigeria will experience a great harvest and turn-around under the leadership of President Buhari.


The meeting, which had in attendance about 38 clergymen from the various parts of the country, asserted that Buhari is on a mission in the country and should be allowed to complete it.

According to him, just like the biblical Hezekiah, God has put the enemy of the nation into shame by extending the life span of the president on earth
Fomson said, “It was revealed to the assembly that President Muhammadu Buhari remains God’s answer to the prayer of Nigerians for a leader that would make afflictions, pains and hunger things of the past.


“The Lord revealed to the gathering of the anointed clergies that Boko Haram has long been defeated about a year ago and those carrying out attacks are the rebels that the devil has refused to release from the bondage of their past and doomed even on earth before judgment in the hereafter.

“Boko Haram is an enemy of whom we shall hear no more even when persons freshly possessed of the destructive spirits operate under its name. The Lord shall make Nigeria triumph at every turn.


“The enemies of the President according to revelations received during the meeting are only fighting God and will meet their waterloo if they fail to turn away from their evil ways. The Lord shall keep President Buhari to fulfill his mission in Nigeria.

“God said he has used the first two years of Buhari to reset the nation and the remaining years ahead are years of harvest for those that would believe in the leader that God has given to them. In this vein Nigerians are enjoined to shun murmuring and not engage in grumbling that is displeasing to God so that their case would not be like the Children of Israel, whose murmuring prevented from entering the promised land.”

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