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Normalcy returns to Calabar after Navy, police clash

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Normalcy has returned to Calabar, the Cross Rivers State capital after a clash between Navy and the Nigerian police in a part of the city on Tuesday.


Addressing journalists after an Emergency State Security Council Meeting in Calabar, Governor Ben Ayade, urged the citizenry to go about their legitimate businesses.

Ayade said, “I just met with all the service commanders on the incident that happened on Tuesday. The whole area is calm after the unfortunate incident from the misunderstanding between the officials, one from the police and a naval rating.”


The governor, however, maintained that senior officers of the navy and police were proactive in arresting the situation early enough.

He said that the state was totally calm, peaceful and already agog to receive the acting President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, who is billed to visit the state on Thursday.


“The unfortunate incident arouse from an issue at a checkpoint, traffic light spot at the stadium off IBB Way where a policeman was trying to control traffic. It led to a misunderstanding between a policeman and a naval rating resulting to physical combat,” he said.

The governor, however, regretted the incident and promised to take full responsibility for all the associated damages on both sides while urging officers and men operating in the state to see themselves as partners in progress at all times.


On his part the Commander of the Nigerian Navy Ship Victory, Commodore Salihu Jubril, said that the Navy was saddened by the incident, adding that normalcy had since returned.

Jubril said that the incident only affected a portion of IBB Way and not the entire metropolis.


“Let me assure you that the culprits will be brought to book, properly investigated and appropriate sanctions meted on them,” he added.

Also, the state Commissioner of Police, Mr. Hafiz Inuwa, said the fracas had nothing to do with the relationship between the Police and Navy, adding that it was a misunderstanding amongst junior officers.


Inuwa said, “We are glad to announce to the populace that, Calabar and the entire state is calm and our status as the safest state remains without a doubt. All the service commanders in the state are one and active partners in progress particularly on issues of security and protection of lives and property of the citizenry.”

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