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[Photo and Video] Zero tolerance to Malaria: We need to lockdown for two days to fumigate Nigeria – Ned Nwoko

Zero tolerance to Malaria: We need to lockdown for two days to fumigate Nigeria - Ned Nwoko [Photos and Video]

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By Emman Ovuakporie


Billionaire Ned Nwoko during a walk to eradicate Malaria in Nigeria, on Saturday said there will be need to lockdown the country for two days for fumigation against the deadly disease., TNG reports that the Ned Nwoko Foundation in active concert with NAWOJ, Anderson Hallow mace, Nollywood and others had a walk in Abuja from 8.30 am to 10.40 am tagged ‘Zero Malaria Draw The Line Against Malaria, Walk With Ned’.

The Delta born Billionaire explained at the Unity Fountain to journalists that two companies have been commissioned to help fumigate the entire country but there must be a total lockdown for two days.

He said: “we need to be highly hygienic, clean our environments to achieve positive results and for fumigation lockdown is necessary for two days.


The walk which lasted for over two hours ended at about 10.40 am as Nwoko led Nollywood members, NAWOJ, other groups during the walk in commemoration of Malaria Day.

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