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Photos: Nigerian man nabbed in Ghana for attempting to smuggle Indian hemp


The Police in Ghana nabbed a 38-year-old Nigerian national who attempted to smuggle 154 parcels of compressed dried leaves suspected to be Indian hemp to Nigeria.

The suspect, Orjii Ogbonanya, from Abia State, is said to have concealed the suspected narcotic in bales of used clothes.


Briefing journalists in Accra, the Public Relations Officer of the Accra Regional Police Command, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP), Mrs Effia Tenge, said the police had a tip-off about some people trying to smuggle Indian hemp to Nigeria and proceeded to the scene at Darkuman junction in Accra.


She said when the police arrived at the warehouse, they saw a number of bags containing used clothes. The officers then confiscated the bags and took them to the police station and when they were opened, the suspected narcotic was found.

According to Mrs Tenge, the police counted 154 parcels of compressed dried leaves concealed in second-hand clothing which was packed in “Ghana must go” bags.


Upon interrogation, Ogbananya allegedly admitted the offence and told the police that the parcels belonged to a man he named only as Goodman, who is currently on the run.

Source: Ghana News Online



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