Policemen, civilians die after violent protest in Sierra Leone

Citizens protest high cost of living


Sierra Leoneans in their numbers hit the street of Freetown and other parts of the country to stage a protest over the high cost of living in the country and harsh economic conditions.

Meanwhile, the protest turned violent and scores of persons including the military, para-military, and even civilians lost their lives .Graphic images and video of battered and seriously injured protesters and some members of security forces could be seen on social media.


Security forces were also seen firing guns at  protesting citizens.

The deceased include eight police officers and more than 21 civilians who took part in anti-government marches.



The government has declared a nationwide curfew in a bid to stop the massive protest from spreading.


This development was made known by Vice President Mohamed, Juldeh Jalloh who announced a Television broadcast.

Jalloh said it was high time the country returned to normalcy, adding that the authorities would no longer tolerate violence.

The military and the police have been drafted to strategic locations to forestall further demonstrations.


President Julius Maada Bio, who has been asked to leave power, said his administration has a responsibility to protect every citizen.

“What happened was unfortunate and will be fully investigated. I urge all Sierra Leoneans to be calm”, he tweeted.

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