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We are repositioning FMBN to ensure affordable housing delivery – FG


The Minister of State for Power, Works and Housing, Mustapha Shehuri, has commended the Federal Government’s decision to strengthen and recapitalise Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN) with N500 billion.

A statement signed by Mr Olatunji John
Principal Information Officer of the ministry, stated that the government’s gesture would further reduce the housing deficit in the country.


The Minister had visited the Executive Governor of Nasarawa State, Alhaji Tanko Almakura in continuation of his inspection of ongoing works on the National Housing Programme (NHP) in the North-Central geo-political zone.

According to the minister, this gesture will go a long way to make mortgage facilities accessible to Nigerians.


Almakura, represented by the Deputy Governor of the state, Mr Silas Agara, thanked the Federal Government for the collaborative effort through providing land for the NHP project in the state.

Almakura appreciated the Federal Government for initiating the programme, adding that it would have a multiplier effect on nation’s economy.


According to him, it will create employment, enhance expertise on professionals in the built industry and create local content market.

He assured the Minister that the state would continue to partner with the ministry to ensure the successful completion of the project.


The 76-unit Housing Estate comprises of four units of one-bedroom, 48 units of two-bedroom and 24 units of three-bedroom apartments.

He expressed satisfaction with the location and the level of works done so far.


Also, the Minister inspected the construction work which is at various levels of completion at the 80-unit NHP project site in Makurdi, Benue State, where he met with contractors, artisans, food vendors, masons and labourers.

While stating his mission in the state, the Minister expressed appreciation to the government for providing land for the construction of the housing programme.


Shehuri noted that in spite of the present economic situation of the country the administration was resolute in fulfilling its campaign promises to Nigerians including that of housing.






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