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Resident doctors end warning strike, issue 21 days ultimatum to FG to meet demands

Medication errors kill, injure millions annually – WHO

The National Association of Resident Doctors, NARD on Wednesday ended its seven-day nationwide warning strike and gave the Federal Government another 21-day ultimatum to meet its demands. recalls that the resident doctors had on January 18 embarked on seven days warning strike for the government to meet their demands.


The President of the association, Dr John Onyebueze, said that the demands border on welfare, revamping decay infrastructure and equipment in the government-owned health institutions, provide quality and affordable healthcare to the populace.

Others include immediate implementation of the National Health Act, 2014, release of the template and implementation of white paper on residency training programme.


He said, “At the moment, we are still where we are, none of our demands have been met by the government, but the last time we met with the government officials they made some promises.

“So, we are giving the Federal Government another 21 days ultimatum now to see those promises translating into action.


“They cannot just tell us that they have set up machinery to implement the National Health Act, 2014 without actions.

“Between now and the 21 days we have given, if we do not see the committee working or implementing the National Health Act that means it is a mere promise.


“On the other issues regarding welfare, the government also made some promises which of course they have been making since 2013.

“What we are waiting for is for those promises to translate into action.”

Advertisement reports that in a response to the warning strike, President Muhammadu Buhari on Saturday directed Chief Medical Directors and Medical Directors of Federal Tertiary Hospitals to replace the resident doctors.


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