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Russia 2018: Saraki Congratulates Supers Eagles

President of the Senate, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki, on Saturday, congratulated the Nigerian Super Eagles and all Nigerians on the nation’s qualification for the FIFA World Cup, scheduled to hold in Russia next year.
Saraki, in a statement signed by his Special Adviser on Media & Publicity, Yusuph Olaniyonu, said that being in Uyo to witness firsthand the dedication, poise and consistency of our players has given hope to all Nigerians that our team will represent Africa well at the next World Cup.
“I want to congratulate our players for the way that they have played throughout this whole qualifying phase,” the President of the Senate said, “It is my hope, and the hope of millions across the country that our Super Eagles will represent our nation and the continent well at next year’s World Cup.
“It was great to have been in Uyo to cheer you on to victory,” Saraki stated.
The President of the Senate also stated that the Senate would work to ensure that our players are well equipped and well-prepared for the 2018 outing, while also urging the Nigerian Football Federation and the Ministry of Sports to not take its feet off the pedal ahead of 2018.
“Right now, we must begin to plan and work towards victory for our Super Eagles,” Saraki said, “They have made us proud on the field, now, the NFF, the Ministry of Sports, the sponsors, and all concerned stakeholders must work together to ensure that our players and the team thrive at the World Cup.
“As our players continue to make us all proud and demonstrate the greatness in our diversity, I want to also congratulate all Nigerians. We can truly achieve great things when we come together.”
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