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Saraki Congratulates Ghanaian President-elect

Saraki Congratulates Ghanaian President-elect

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The President of the Senate, Dr Bukola Saraki, has congratulated the President-elect of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo, on his victory in the just concluded general elections.


Saraki, in a statement signed by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Mr Yusuph Olaniyonu, on Saturday in Abuja, also congratulated the people of Ghana for a successful election.

The president of the Senate equally commended President John Dramani Mahama for conceding defeat adding that it was a demonstration that democracy had come to stay in Africa.


“From what we experienced last year during Nigeria’s general elections with an incumbent President conceding victory and what we have seen now in Ghana, it shows a trend of political maturity in West Africa.

“What we are celebrating today is a confirmation that Africa has truly matured in terms of democracy.


“The people of Ghana and their leaders have confirmed that elections can be free, fair, credible and non-violent.

“I commend and congratulate the President of Ghana, and the President-elect for their dignified conduct throughout this process.


“ I wish them success throughout the transition period. I also want to reassure them that the Nigerian legislature will continue to remain their firm partners in development,’’ he said.

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