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Security: NAF allocates 9 units to new command

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The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) says its new Ground Training Command (GTC), Enugu, will oversee and supervise nine NAF units to improve security in the country.


The Air Officer Commanding (AOC) of the GTC, Enugu, AVM Samson Akpasa, made this known in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Enugu on Saturday.

Akpasa said that the units were 553 Base Services Group, Enugu; 541 Communications Group, Enugu; 563 NAF Helicopters, Jos; 551 NAF Station, Jos; and NAF School of Finance and Accounts, Badagry.


The others were NAF Institute of Administrative Management (Temporarily in Kaduna); Regiment Training Centre, Kaduna; SNCOs Leadership and Management Academy (Temporarily in Kaduna) and Military Training Centre, Kaduna.

Akpasa said that the GTC, which was created on July 3, 2017, was part of the restructuring of NAF meant to widen the span and reach of NAF toward effective and efficient projection of air power.


“The function of the new GTC Command and its units included but not limited to building of capacity through purposeful training of personnel, implementation of local military training policy and non-technical ground training programmes of NAF,’’ he said.
According to him, the Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar, is delighted that NAF is returning to Enugu in a bigger way through the new GTC Command.

“However, we are appealing for maximum cooperation of the State Government and other stakeholders in kick-starting of the command headquarters,’’ he said.


TNG reports that Air Officer Commanding in Nigerian Air Force is equivalent to General Officer Commanding (GOC) in the Nigerian Army.

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