See photos as Paul Okoye, young wife Ifeoma hold baby shower in America

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Photos and videos from the baby shower party of popular Nigerian singer, Paul Okoye and his young wife,  Ifeoma, have surfaced on social media  on Sunday night, September 8.


The Psquare famed singer also known as Rudeboy, via his verified Instagram story on Sunday shared several moments from the baby shower with family and friends seen  in attendance.

In one video shared by the singer, he could be seen happily grilling chicken, while another clip captured young and beautiful Ifeoma, dressed in a red, dancing joyfully with friends.

Advertisement (TNG) understands that this will be the singer’s first child with Ifeoma’s first.The singer already has three beautiful children from his previous marriage with his ex wife, Anita.

See photos from the baby shower below;



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