See pictures of Alpha Jet pilot instructor, Flt. Lieutenant Abubakar Alkali who died in Tuesday’s NAF aircraft crash

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An Alpha Jet pilot instructor, Flt. Lieutenant Abubakar Mohammed Alkali, has been identified as one of the pilots who died in the Nigerian Air Force, NAF, aircraft crash of Tuesday in Kaduna.


He hailed from Potiskum in Yobe State.



Late Alkali was buried Tuesday in accordance with Islamic rites

Abubakar Mohammed Alkali at a graduation ceremony abroad Abubakar Mohammed Alkali at a graduation ceremony abroad

Alkali died alongside another of his colleague who was also on a training at the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) base in Kaduna, on Tuesday.



His death triggered mournful notes on Facebook from those who knew him.



“May Almighty Allah grant him Jannah”, wrote Ismaeel Kasim.



“Innalillahi wa’inna ilaihi raj’una. May Almighty Allah have mercy on your Departed Soul. Llt Lt Abubakar Alkali. Uncle habu.



“An extraordinary officer with an amazing personality”, said Potiskum resident, Shooaib Suleman Nobe.



Kadijat Braimah wrote: “May Almighty Allah grant him Jannah.


“A Hero that died in the month full of blessings.”.


The Nigerian Air Force has not issued an official statement on the crash.

Flt. Lt. Abubakar Mohammed Alkali receiving an award


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