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Sokoto Govt to assist school for kids orphaned by Boko Haram

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Governor Aminu Waziri Tambuwal has promised to render every assistance possible to a school founded by a Sokoto-based philanthropist to cater for over 150 children orphaned by Boko Haram.
The school, established by Alhaji Umarun Kwabo, will provide shelter, clothing and basic Islamic and Western education to the children in Sokoto, away from the conflict areas in the North East of the country.
“This gesture is not only commendable, but worthy of emulation by all persons. Seeing these children happy is both touching and encouraging. In my personal capacity and as government, we will render our assistance to ensure that the children are comfortable,” Tambuwal was quoted as saying via a statement issued by his spokesman, Malam Imam Imam in Sokoto Sunday.
Speaking further when he visited the school and boarding facility provided for the children, Tambuwal directed officials from the ministries of health and social welfare development to constantly monitor the progress of the children and ensure they are comfortable at all times.
“These are our children. The unfortunate incidence that brought them here notwithstanding, we will step in and act as all parents should. They are home in Sokoto and it’s our collective responsibilities to cater for their needs,” he added.
Conducting the Governor round the premises, the philanthropist, who also holds the traditional title of Jarman Sokoto, said he was touched by the plight of the children and decided to step in in order to create a future for them.
He said some of them are as young as three years, and that already, carers and teachers who speak their native tongues have been recruited to make their stay easier.
“Some of them speak only their mother tongues, so we took extra effort to recruit teachers who speak such languages to make their stay here as comfortable as possible,” he added.
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