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Strike: NAFDAC union insists on sack of acting DG, Oni

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The National Agency for Food, Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) workers say they will continue with their strike until the Federal Government appoints a substantive Director-General.


Mr Ejor Michael, the National Public Relations Officer (PRO), Medical and Health Union of Nigeria, NAFDAC chapter, made this known on Saturday in Abuja in an interview with newsmen reports that the union on Friday embarked on an indefinite strike to demand a new DG or the appointment of the most senior director to run the affairs of the agency.

Advertisement reports that the Acting DG, Mrs. Yetunde Oni, had been on acting capacity since February 2016 and had acted for over one year.

“She clocks 60 years on Thursday and by virtue of public service rule she has to go but she doesn’t want to go.


“”We, therefore, ask the Federal Government to give us a substantive DG or the most senior director in NAFDAC take over same way Oni took over as the most senior in 2016,” Michael said.

The union alleged that the acting director had handed over to a director who is not the most senior.

Mr Idu Isua, Vice Chairman of the union said that the next senior director was supposed to take charge after Oni had attained the mandatory age of 60 years.

He said that the next in line to the Acting DG should automatically take charge before the appointment of a substantive DG by the Federal Government.


In a swift reaction, Mr Jimoh Abubakar, Director of Public Relations and Special Duties, NAFDAC said that the appointment of the DG was an exclusive preserve of the President.

He said that the controversy surrounding the appointment of an acting DG was needless, adding that the Federal Government was aware of the situation and would take appropriate step at the right time.


“Government in its wisdom will take appropriate decision, we should not be in a hurry, government is aware of information we are not privy to.





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