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Terrorists allegedly lay siege on law school in Abuja

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The seat of power the Federal Capital Territory is under threat as terrorists allegedly lay siege on Law School and ambushed the presidential elite force, the Brigade of Guards.


Sources confirmed that the troops of the elite Guards Brigade, whose primary responsibility is guarding the FCT especially the Presidential seat of government, were ambushed along Bwari-Kubwa road.

The troops were allegedly on routine patrol of the area when they were attacked.


The ambush is raising fears that the terrorists are laying siege in the Bwari area which houses the Nigerian Law School and the headquarters of the Joint and Matriculation Board (JAMB).

In fact, a source noted that the they might be planning attacks on the Law School and other vital facilities in the area.


Meanwhile, the ambush was forcefully repelled by the Brigade of Guards troops. However, three soldiers were wounded in the attack and they are already being treated at a military hospital within Abuja.

The cryptic message on the attack titled ‘Ambush Attack Against Own Troops Of Gds Bde’ reads: “At about 241620A Jul 22, own tps of 7 Gds Bn on routine ptl along Rd Kubwa – Bwari were ambushed by suspected terr. 3 x sldrs were injured during the attk. The sldrs have been evacuated to 7 Gds Bn MRS for med attn. Details on the extend of their injuries still under cfm.


“The ambushed attack happening within the area of Bwari shows that the terrorists are actually within the local communities and possibly to carry out their plans of attacking the law schl in Bwari as earlier reported.”

In the meantime, a source at The Catholic University” Veritas” located on Bwari has confirmed that the school is contemplating on shutting down due to fear of attack.

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