OPINION: A humble plea to all PDP leaders and party faithful-By Sylvester Imonina


On the 25th of February, 2023, and 11th of March, 2023, the fate of our Nation and our dear State shall be determined through the polls. In other words, the future gains or otherwise of everyone who calls himself a politician shall be mirrored through the outcome of the polls.

It is a known fact that since the year, 2015, the PDP has been out of power at the Federal level, thereby making the State and the Local Government levels to be over concentrated. That is, those who are ordinarily supposed to graduate from the Local Government to State level, and State level to the Federal level are stalled to where they are over the years. As a result of same, there is no room for growth and/or expansion of our political Coast. In view of that, there are lesser opportunities to bring dividends of democracy from the Federal level to our people in Delta State.


It is rumoured that some of our PDP political Leaders and Party men are working at cross purposes with what is expected of them as Party faithful! While some are doing 2/5, some are doing 3/5! To me, irrespective of whatever hurt that have being inflicted on you as a party man, it is not in your interest and the interest of the Party to work against the party in whatever guise or form. Just believe that every dog has its own day, and your day shall come.

Our people need dividends of democracy through us. This is the time to work in unison for our future survival as politicians. We should not allow the history of 2015 to repeat itself.



Sylvester Imonina,
Writes from Oruamudhu Community, Ozoro Kingdom.

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