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Who else is tired of church? – Anugwolu

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Knowing God is an awesome experience that is almost inexplicable but with visible landmarks. This is related as having a personal relationship with God or as being spiritual.


At the side phase of the above thought, is religion, a movement or practice of seeking God “in the most acceptable way”.

Growing up, I’ve constantly quizzed myself if religion is inevitably essential in knowing God, and as I get older I’ve come to realise that the answer is YES and NO.


In practice, religion could be classified as either PURE or imPURE. This is referenced in James 1:27.

While the God experience is almost unattainable without some “pure” religious connections, it is imperative to note that religion not well aligned to Godly principles with the intent of leading men unto Christ is “impure” and nothing but just another social gathering for bodily and mind rejuvenation, neglecting the development of the spirit-man, which is the core of spiritual and immortal relevance here on earth and thereafter.


The stark reality of this age is simply that religion, as been practiced by many supposed Christians has shifted from its original standpoint of linking men to God through spirit-inspired ministration, fellowship, exhortation and lifestyle to a mere mission of superficial engagement, noble oration and wild expressions void of spiritual inclination.

Many a churches are nothing but a social gathering, lacking in spiritual content for the mind let alone the soul. Church services are now conducted as regular musical displays of best vocal renditions, instrumental performances and acrobatic steps in dance and bodily motions, without the fulcrum of heavenly-sent messages.


For many Christians who are grounded in the words of the kingdom and have experienced the saving power of the cross, this sliding of many “Christian” centres into mere impure religious circles, is perhaps, not disturbing nor disappointing, as this has been foretold by Chirst, the captain of the cross in Matthew 24.

These days, it is almost not possible to mark a point of difference between some churches and social clubs, concert events, comedy shows and funding raising event.


Just too many churches are slipping off the guard of their golden mandate; preparing souls for the kingdom and this is why I am tired of church – those gatherings without Christ’s leading, void spiritual truth and eternal exposition, lacking in godly conduct and Christianly principles.

Professing holiness but without its practice, engaging minds on shallow basis of wealth, prosperity (which is not bad) but neglecting the imminent doom to greet the world as the end times are here, for which Christ the master cautioned “WATCH and PRAY”.


Thankfully, there still exist a handful of genuine assemblies who despite the push and pressure to go against the mandate and mission of the cross, remain steadfast, constantly looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.

If you are reading this, I implore you not to be deceived establish yourself in the knowledge of truth, void of human inspiration but solely led by the spirit divine, looking for the blessed hope of the Christ’s returning for the time is nearer than we think.


There is nothing more to look out for other than the returning of Christ, as all prophesies given by Christ and other saints about the end of time, have almost all been fulfilled.

Don’t be trapped in the web of religion, it impoverishes the mind in eternal delusion while on earth and seals the soul eternal damnation.

Again, I ask: Who else is tired of church? For me, I am, big time!

Chidiebere Anugwolu is a Lagos-based writer.



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