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Bayelsa guber: LP candidate urges INEC provide level playing ground


The Labour Party (LP) candidate for the Bayelsa State governorship election, Udengs Eradiri, called on the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to provide a level playing ground for the November 11 polls.

Udengs made the call during an interview with journalists shortly after a meeting with the State Traditional Rulers Council at their secretariat in Yenagoa. He was accompanied by his running mate, Commodore Benjamin Nathus (retd.), the state LP chairman, Eneyi Zidougha, and the campaign director, Ebipuado Sapere-Obi, among other party chieftains.


He explained that they visited the monarchs to present his “People, Education, Agriculture and Power” (PEAP) agenda for the development of Bayelsa and seek their royal blessings ahead of the governorship polls.

He said, “We have presented our PEAP agenda to the traditional rulers and explained it to them; they asked questions and we responded. We have asked for a level playing ground.


“Just as we use this opportunity to call on INEC to ensure a level playing ground because a particular candidate in the election is boasting that they have bought over INEC, they have changed INEC officials; they are going to write results no matter what happens. But they will not write the results. They cannot, and it is a call to INEC. Why should INEC allow itself to be reduced to the table of buying and selling? They are boasting on the road.

“One other group is saying they are going to spend N30billion. They are gathering Bayelsa State money. Our roads, schools, the employment of our children are what they are gathering to contest election against me. I’m not afraid because it is my money, they did not go and carry blocks anywhere to gather money to contest this election.


“One other party has been involved in killings. Why should you have to shed the blood of Bayelsans because you want to lead them? What is there in Government House? A place where they have borrowed money and messed up the entire state, is where people are killing other people’s children, shedding the blood of old women and young people because you want to be a leader.”

Udengs said he is an open book that the Bayelea people can assess, stressing that “I’m presenting myself because I cannot allow my generation to pass without waking up to challenge this incompetence in leadership. My hands are clean, I’m not afraid of anybody.”



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