Delta PDP warns aspirants, loyalists not to heat up polity on social media

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The Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) in Delta State has issued a warning barring aspirants and loyalists of the party not to unnecessarily heat up the political space of the State on the social media.


This is contained in a press release signed and made available to TheNewsGuru by Ifeanyi Michael Osuoza, the party’s State Publicity Secretary.

Read full press release:


The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Delta State is one big, united and happy family. We are proud to say it and claim it with full authority, absolute confidence and unshakable conviction.

Those who are conversant with party politics are only too aware of the doctrine and truism that ‘Party is Supreme’ and the party is the home of all who aspire, subscribe and engage in the electioneering processes of seeking public office.


It is also a political fact that every party has a leader who serves as the rallying fulcrum from whom party essence, branding, ideology and strategic mandate implementation devolves.

The Delta State PDP is blessed and eternally grateful to have His Excellency, Senator Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa as our undisputed party leader and the beacon of governance excellence, who has given our party a sense of identity and restored our national relevance and importance in the political space.


Those who know the origin and meaning of the title Ekwueme, (literally translated to mean he who does as he says and metaphorically interpreted as he who fulfils his promises) will confirm that Governor Okowa was not bestowed with the title on a mere whimsicality but earned it as a mark of recognition and appreciation from his kinsmen for being a man of his words, who fulfils his promises and delivers as he has pledged.

We are truly blessed in Delta PDP, that Ekwueme, as our party leader, is neither a dictator nor an autocrat, but a true democrat who believes and strongly advocates that power belongs to the people and must be freely given by the people to the persons of their choice to lead and represent them. He is a true partyman who believes in bidding his time and moderating his ambition and has remained faithful to the party, unlike some others who quickly abandoned the party when they could not get what they wanted.


Governor Ifeanyi Okowa as our party leader, has displayed a magnanimity, humility and benevolence in the party that has accommodated and carried everybody along. As a party leader he understands his responsibility as the father of the party and has ensured that the party operates in harmony and all conflict situations are resolved before they become crisis situations. He does not and has never discriminated against anybody but has rather exhibited a warm, humane and fatherly mien towards all irrespective of the circumstance, even to the point of consistently extending the olive branch and warm hand of fellowship to one and all including decampees whom he would dearly love to welcome back to the fold of the party. Governor Okowa has no enemies. He is indeed a good man.

We in Delta PDP are extremely happy with the robustness, creative energy and journalistic exuberance with which the conventional and new media sectors in our State have blossomed, particularly in the social media teams that have sprung up in support of the objectives, manifestoes and pledges of our numerous aspirants and candidate.


Our social media handles and handlers have not only defended our party stoutly and promoted the personalities, programmes and ideologies of our members excellently, they have also taken on the opposition courageously and matched them syllable for syllable, dishing out solid facts in debunking mischievous and misleading propaganda and churning out stories to capture and celebrate the achievements of our party, delivered brilliantly by the dedicated administration of His Excellency, Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa.

However, while we hail the good works of our media teams in their committed effort to showcase and elevate our party, we are also mindful of the very succinct admonition of our leader Senator Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, who at every fora and party gathering has constantly re-echoed the caution that our members should not engage or support any action, activity or strategy that would heat up the polity and cause disharmony and disunity within and amongst the party and our members.


We recall this auspicious advise by our leader Governor Okowa to our members against the backdrop of some recent media activities, which may have been inspired by momentous exuberance but which nevertheless qualifies as quite distasteful and detestable, in its attempt to portray a disagreement amongst the very top leadership of our party.

We also note, with a twinge of sadness, the unchecked latitude of some social media commentators, who have invoked their affinity to certain party leaders as an authority to malign, insult and peddle untruths and propaganda materials just to satisfy their whims, for mischief making and circulate falsehood and disinformation. In addition, there are also those, who, in this political times also see the social media as an instrument to propagate the interest of these political lords, and so devote hours of their time on the social media attacking opponents of their political masters and interests.

On a final note, it is equally imperative to counsel our political leaders seeking to fly the party flags during the forthcoming elections to warn their supporters and social media aides against misinformation and disinformation that is capable of creating a wedge between the governor and leaders of the party and their supporters but should rather focus on the things that will promote the excellent achievements of our governor and leader through the SMART Agenda, foster party harmony and unite our members into one indivisible force ahead of the 2019 elections.

We in Delta PDP are not unmindful of the fact that our unparalleled successes in all Delta elections has not only unnevered our opponents but has the potential of creating a situation where we will be facing a formidable ‘enemy’ as opposition and now is the time for all hands to be on deck to build, sustain and ensure that the current team spirit and unity in PDP in Delta State is enhanced. We should stop throwing stones at each other, primaries are internal family issue. Whomsoever emerges as candidate needs the collaboration of every party member to face the opposition during the general elections. Therefore, all campaigns MUST be issues-based.

Delta PDP is one united family under one undisputed leader in our great State.

God Bless PDP.


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