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[Devotional] IN HIS PRESENCE: Do not keep silent

[Devotional] IN HIS PRESENCE: Increase comes from God

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Read: Numbers 27:1-11


Meditation verse:

“Why should our father’s name disappear from his clan because he had no son?  Give us property among our father’s relatives.” (Numbers 27:4).


Today’s reading highlights the first case of gender discrimination in the bible.  Zelophehad belonged to the clans of Manasseh son of Joseph. He had four  daughters, Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milkah and Tirzah but no son. When he died,  his daughters could not inherit his properties because the laws of the land at  that time permitted only sons as heirs.  

Zelophehad’s daughters decided to speak truth to power. They stood before  Moses, Eleazar the priest, the leaders, and the whole assembly at the entrance  to the tent of meeting and said, “Our father died in the wilderness. He was not  among Korah’s followers, who banded together against the Lord, but he died for  his own sin and left no sons. Why should our father’s name disappear from his  clan because he had no son? Give us property among our father’s relatives”. So,  Moses brought their case before the Lord, and the Lord said to him, “What  Zelophehad’s daughters are saying is right. You must certainly give them  property as an inheritance among their father’s relatives and give their father’s  inheritance to them” (Numbers 27:2-6). God changed the laws of the land,  because four young women refused to keep silent in the face of injustice.  


Do not be afraid to challenge the status quo when you see injustice and  discrimination, especially when it concerns a vulnerable group. Proverbs 31:8-9  says, “speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves, for the right of  all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor  and needy” (NIV).



IN HIS PRESENCE is written by Pst (Mrs) Oke Chinye, Founder of The Rock Teaching Ministry (TRTM).

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