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[Devotional] IN HIS PRESENCE: End with thanksgiving

[Devotional] IN HIS PRESENCE: Increase comes from God

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Read: Psalm 136:1-26


Meditation verse:

“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1  Thessalonians 5:18). 


I came across a quote some time ago and it has stuck with me till date. It read:  “when you are always thankful to God, your tank will always be full”. God  inhabits the praises of His people and wherever God dwells, blessings are sure  to abound. The bible instructs us to give thanks to God in every situation. This  implies having a lifestyle of thanksgiving, which is the hallmark of a fulfilled life.  King David was in the habit of giving God thanks. Not a few of his psalms had  thanksgiving as their theme. In Psalm 95:2 and 100:4, he encouraged us to enter  God’s presence with thanksgiving and praise. In Psalm 100:4, he instructed all to  be thankful unto God. Little wonder God referred to him as “a man after His own  heart”. 

It is a spiritual imperative that you continuously give thanks to the one whose knowledge of your circumstances is supreme and who declares the end of a  matter from the beginning. God is good to those who fear Him, and whilst He is  not the author of all the bad things that may happen to you, He may permit  certain trials for your benefit. When you thank Him in every situation, you  position yourself to receive all He intends for you to have or learn all He wants  you to learn. This way, you emerge stronger, wiser, and victorious in all things.  When we murmur or grumble, we are displaying a lack of faith in the God who  controls the affairs of the whole earth. Without faith, it is impossible to please  God.  


Today marks the end of the first half of this year. Be deliberate and purposeful  in giving thanks to God. Why not say this prayer today; “thank You Lord for  keeping me from January till this time. I believe that the plans you have for me  are good. I choose to give You thanks always and in everything, because no  matter how this year is going, You will cause all things to work out for my good  according to Your purpose in the end”.



IN HIS PRESENCE is written by Pst (Mrs) Oke Chinye, Founder of The Rock Teaching Ministry (TRTM).

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