[Devotional] IN HIS PRESENCE: Finishing strong

[Devotional] IN HIS PRESENCE: Increase comes from God

Read: 2 TIMOTHY 4:6-8 

Meditation verse: 


“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2  Timothy 4:7). 

It is debatable whether any biblical character, apart from Jesus himself, lived a  more fulfilled life than the Apostle, Paul. His earthly credentials and  qualifications according to the Jewish custom were superb. He had an enviable  pedigree that very few could boast of. Circumcised on the eighth day and a  Hebrew of Hebrews, Saul as he was referred to then, was from the tribe of  Benjamin; a tribe greatly esteemed among the Jews. And guess what? He was a  Pharisee; the very devout Jewish sect known for their deep knowledge of Jewish  laws and their ability to keep the laws of Moses to the last detail. As a Jewish  leader, Saul was blameless concerning the righteousness in the law and he  performed his duties with a zeal that no other could match (Phil 3: 4-6). 


However, when the time came for him to dump these earthly credentials to  pursue the purpose that God had for him, he did not look back. He counted all  his accomplishments as rubbish compared to the greatness of knowing Christ  and pursued his God given mandate with an even greater zeal. In chains or as a  free man, Paul preached the gospel, planted several churches, and wrote letters  to these churches. His letters are a large part of the New Testament. 2  Corinthians 11:23-29 gives a brief outline of what Paul endured in his quest to  fulfill his assignment. 

In ministry, commitment to service, conduct, lifestyle, devotion, sincerity and  diligence, Paul had no rival. He simply could not be faulted. No one was also  more qualified to give such an excellent valedictory speech as he did in 2  Timothy 4:7. He had indeed fought a good fight. He had lived a fulfilled life, had  kept the faith, and was finishing strong. 


What about you and me? When all is said and done, can we say with confidence  that we are finishing strong? We are all called to a life of purpose and  fruitfulness. How are you faring? Someday you will stand before the righteous  Judge to give an account of your stewardship. As this year slowly comes to an  end, why not ask God to show you areas in your life, where you need to make  amends.



IN HIS PRESENCE is written by Pst (Mrs) Oke Chinye, Founder of The Rock Teaching Ministry (TRTM).

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