[Devotional] IN HIS PRESENCE: Is anyone better because of you? [1]

[Devotional] IN HIS PRESENCE: Increase comes from God

Read: 1 Samuel 22:1-2, 2 Samuel 23:8-38

Meditation verse:


“So, he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, and guided  them by the skilfulness of his hands” (Psalm 78:72).

When these men came to David whilst he was hiding from King Saul in a cave,  they were distressed, discontented and in distress. And he became captain over  them (1 Samuel 22:2). Fast forward to 2 Samuel 23 and see who these men  became under David’s leadership. They became able soldiers and military  leaders, with very special skills. They fought great battles and were victorious on  all fronts.


They were fiercely loyal to David and became known as “David’s  mighty men”. What did David sow in the lives of these men that occasioned their  transformation? David understood that leadership was for service and not for personal gain. He  accepted these men when they were at their lowest and poured himself into  bringing out the best in them. He knew that leadership was more about what  you can give to people, not what you can take from them.

He did not lead from afar but surrounded himself with these men. And because  he was in their midst, he knew their strengths and weaknesses and knew how  to add value to them. He had a consultative leadership style. He conferred with  his officers and commanders and carried everyone along. He said to the whole  assembly, “If it seems good to you, let us…” (1 Chronicles 13:1-3). He was not an  “I will” leader. Learn to carry your team along. He listened to them and  encouraged them to contribute to decision making.  

David led these men by example, and he was a very competent leader. So, it was  easy for them to learn from him. Excellence does not occur by happenstance, it  takes practice, diligence, and commitment. In learning from their leader, they  became mighty men. He loved these men with his heart and had a great  reputation. Even those who were previously in Saul’s camp as well as some of  his kinsmen defected to David’s camp. And he received every one of them.



IN HIS PRESENCE is written by Pst (Mrs) Oke Chinye, Founder of The Rock Teaching Ministry (TRTM).

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