[Devotional] IN HIS PRESENCE: It is okay not to know

[Devotional] IN HIS PRESENCE: Take hold of the plumbline immediately

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By Oke Chinye


Read: PSALM 32:8-11 

Meditation verse: 


“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are  revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words  of this law” (Deuteronomy 29:29).

You do not know everything; else you would be God. And since you do not know  everything, you may make mistakes, misunderstand others, take wrong  decisions and act in ignorance. Your assumptions and perspectives to issues may  be incorrect. You may utter the wrong words and offend others. If this is so, why  are you living in self-condemnation? Why do you constantly guilt-trip? 


God understands your humanity. “As a father pities his children, so the Lord  pities those who fear Him. For He knows our frame; he remembers that we are  dust” (Psalm 103:13-14). God does not condemn you, rather He justifies you. It  is the devil who accuses you and keeps you in a state of self-condemnation. The  bible refers to Satan as the ‘accuser of brethren’ (Revelations 12:10). But faith  comes by hearing “and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you  free” (John 8:32). 

So, it is okay not to understand everything; it is okay not to know certain things. It is okay to make mistakes and fail sometimes. But when you do, learn the  lessons you need to and move on quickly. Do not remain stuck in your errors. A  verse in the famous song by Cristy Lane goes like this: 


I’m only human, 

I’m just a woman 

Help me believe in what I could be and all that I am 

Show me the stairway, I have to climb 


Lord for my sake, teach me to take one day at a time. 

You are only human, make this song your prayer today.



IN HIS PRESENCE is written by Pst (Mrs) Oke Chinye, Founder of The Rock Teaching Ministry (TRTM).

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