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[Devotional] IN HIS PRESENCE: It may sometimes seem foolish

[Devotional] IN HIS PRESENCE: Increase comes from God

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Read: 1 Corinthians 1:18-31


Meditation verse:

“Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is  stronger than men” (1 Corinthians 1:25).


Consider the following scenarios: 

However, these stories do not end this way. Abraham went on to be the father  of many nations. The floods came and consumed the whole earth, but Noah, his  family and two of each type of animal entered the ark and were saved. Joseph,  went from prison to the palace, and became the Prime Minister of Egypt. The  hungry lions did not touch Daniel all night, his God was then pronounced as the  only true God in the province. And guess what? Death could not hold the  carpenter’s son captive. He arose on the third day and has been saving mankind  since then. What do all these characters have in common? In fulfilling their  destines, they had to do something that seemed foolish to the world. 

The foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger  than men. Conversely, what seems wise to the world, is foolishness in God’s  sight. Do not interpret the events of your life based on what seems right to you.  Do not reject the counsel of The Almighty because it appears foolish compared  to the ways of the world. God says, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor  are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the  earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your  thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). It is better to look foolish before men but be wise in  God’s sight, than to be wise before men, but appear foolish before God.



IN HIS PRESENCE is written by Pst (Mrs) Oke Chinye, Founder of The Rock Teaching Ministry (TRTM).

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