[Devotional] IN HIS PRESENCE: No God like Jehovah

[Devotional] IN HIS PRESENCE: Increase comes from God

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Read: JOB 38-40


Meditation verse:

“To whom then will you liken Me, or to whom shall I be equal?” says the Holy  One. (Isaiah 40:25).


God can do anything and everything. He oversees everything in Heaven, on earth  and underneath the earth. He laid the foundations of the earth and determined  its measurements. He created all things by the word of His mouth and  outstretched hands. His wisdom is unsearchable; He knows all things. His  understanding is infinite; He understands all things. His ownership and control  are limitless; He owns and controls all things.  

Everything answers to His command. The hawk flies by His wisdom. The eagle  mounts up at His command. He knows the time the mountain goat gives birth.  He shuts in the waters, so that they will not exceed their boundaries. He rules  the raging seas and stills their proud waves. He carves out rivers from rocks and  upturns mountains from their roots. God can furnish a table in the wilderness. 


He hunts for prey for the lions and gives food to the ravens. Indeed, all creatures  look to Him for their food. He is a father to the fatherless and husband to the  widow.  

He determines times and seasons. He commands the morning and causes the  dawn to know its place. He causes the barren woman to be a joyful mother of  children. He is the tide turning God who can lift a lowly person to a position of  prominence overnight. Promotion comes from Him. In His hands are riches and  honor. He can cause men to favor or disfavor you. He holds the hearts of kings  in His palm and turns them to whichever direction He pleases. His ability to  restore life is beyond our understanding. Trees are burnt down and can grow  back, broken bones heal, dead tissues are restored. That is the life-giving power  of God. 


What is that seemingly impossible situation before you? What God cannot do  does not exist. It’s a new month, commit that situation to the One who can do  all things. For with Him nothing shall be impossible.



IN HIS PRESENCE is written by Pst (Mrs) Oke Chinye, Founder of The Rock Teaching Ministry (TRTM).

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