[Devotional] IN HIS PRESENCE: Stop sitting on your greatness

[Devotional] IN HIS PRESENCE: Increase comes from God

Read: 2 KINGS 7:3-16 

Meditation verse: 


“Now there were four leprous men at the entrance of the gate; and they said to  one another, “why are we sitting here until we die”? (2 KINGS 7:3). 

Four leprous men at the entrance of Samaria found themselves in a desperate  situation. The famine had besieged the city, and everyone was hungry. If they  entered the city,’ the famine is in the city, and they would die there. And if we  sit here, we die also. So, they decided to surrender to the army of the Syrians. 


They reasoned If they keep us alive, we shall live; and if they kill us, we shall only  die. And they rose at twilight to go to the camp of the Syrians; and when they  had come to the outskirts of the Syrian camp, to their surprise no one was there. 

“For the Lord had caused the army of the Syrians to hear the noise of  chariots and the noise of horses—the noise of a great army; so, they said  to one another, “Look, the king of Israel has hired against us the kings of  the Hittites and the kings of the Egyptians to attack us!”. Therefore, they  arose and fled at twilight, and left the camp intact—their tents, their  horses, and their donkeys—and they fled for their lives. And when these  lepers came to the outskirts of the camp, they went into one tent and ate  and drank, and carried from it silver and gold and clothing, and went and  hid them; then they came back and entered another tent, and carried  some from there also, and went and hid it”. 


Many of you are sitting on their greatness. You have suppressed your God-given  abilities and mandate due to the challenges of your life. Some of you are sitting  down, with boredom, apathy and lukewarmness, others are wandering around  aimlessly, clueless about their divine assignment or calling in life. You need to  arise. If life has challenged you, it is time to challenge life back. Exercise your  authority that Jesus Christ paid a huge price to give you. You have the right to  an abundant and fulfilling life. There is a next level of abundance waiting for you  at the other side. If the four lepers did not rise, they would never have partaken  of the abundance that the fleeing Syrians left behind.  

Stop sitting on your greatness. Arise and dominate. Arise and shine. Arise and  rule your word. God has one word to say to you today, LIVE!



IN HIS PRESENCE is written by Pst (Mrs) Oke Chinye, Founder of The Rock Teaching Ministry (TRTM).


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