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[Devotional] IN HIS PRESENCE: You are in labour

[Devotional] IN HIS PRESENCE: Take hold of the plumbline immediately

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By Oke Chinye


Read: Isaiah 66:7-9

Meditation verse:


“Shall I bring to the time of birth and not cause delivery?” says the Lord. Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb”? says your God.

When a pregnant woman goes into labour, the contractions are initially far in between with mild to moderate pain threshold. As the labour progresses, the interval between the contractions become shorter and the intensity of the pain increases. Just before delivery, the labour pains become severe, with the contractions occurring back-to-back. The moment she feels such intense pressure and pain on the lowest part of her womb, she knows it is time for her to push out the baby. And once the baby is out, she forgets what she has just gone through.


2 Corinthians 4:17 says, “for our light affliction, which is but for a moment is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory”. That intense pressure in your life may be an indication that you are in labour. You may have begun the process of delivering the dream that you have been pregnant with. Rather than complaining or giving up, ask God to help you interpret the signs appropriately. Here’s God’s promise to you, “before she was in labour, she gave birth, before her pain came, she delivered a male child. Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion was in labour, she gave birth to her children. Shall I bring to the time of birth and not cause delivery?” says the Lord. Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb”? says your God.” (Isaiah 66:7-9). 

 The time for delivery has come. Do not fall into the trap of misinterpreting the times. That pressure is not meant to undermine or break you. You are in labour and very soon you would bring forth.



IN HIS PRESENCE is written by Pst (Mrs) Oke Chinye, Founder of The Rock Teaching Ministry (TRTM).


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